Embracing the Future: Introducing Monsta Corp.

5 min readSep 29, 2023


Hello, Monsta Community!

In the fast-paced world of crypto, time flies, and our journey since inception has been nothing short of exhilarating. From the birth of Cake Monster ($MONSTA) to the launch of Monsta Party NFTs, ETH Monsta ($METH), and our heartwarming Monsta for Good charity initiative, we’ve ventured into exciting territories, all fueled by the incredible support of our community. Today, we’re thrilled to announce a pivotal step in our evolution — the introduction of Monsta Corp.

You might wonder, why the change? What does Monsta Corp mean for our projects and community? We’re here to provide clarity and excitement about this significant rebranding and why it’s the best choice moving forward.

Listening to Our Community 👂

First and foremost, we want to express our gratitude for the continuous feedback and engagement from our community. Your insights and passion drive us to improve and adapt. When we initially announced the move to “Monsta Finance,” some of you raised concerns about the use of the word “Finance.” We heard you, and we value your input.

Monsta Corp: The Better Choice

The decision to introduce Monsta Corp isn’t just a rebrand; it’s an evolution. It’s about making our brand structure more cohesive and understandable, both for our current projects and any future endeavors.

Here’s why we believe Monsta Corp is the right choice:

  • Clarity and Unity: Monsta Corp is the parent company that ties together all our projects. It creates a clear hierarchy, with each project being a sub-brand under the Monsta Corp umbrella. This structure allows us to convey that we’re a diverse ecosystem with a unified vision.
  • Future-Proofing: As we explore new opportunities in the crypto space, having a parent company like Monsta Corp allows us to seamlessly integrate and launch complementary projects. It’s a name that’s versatile and adaptable to the ever-changing crypto landscape.
  • Equal Attention: Rest assured, this change doesn’t mean that a new project will receive more attention than another. Each project has its dedicated resources, some of which are shared for efficiency and cost savings. We remain committed to marketing all our projects cohesively and growing our core community and overall ecosystem.
  • Cohesive Branding: Monsta Corp unifies our brand identity, making it easier for our community to recognize our projects and understand their connection. It’s a name that’s memorable, fun, and represents our collective strength.
  • No New Token, Just Unity: We want to assure our community that the introduction of Monsta Corp does not entail the creation of a new token or any significant changes to our existing projects. Monsta Corp serves as the central entity, encompassing and strengthening our brand presence.
A visual organizational chart showcasing our diverse ecosystem

What’s on the Horizon? 👀

As we embark on this transformative journey with Monsta Corp, we’re excited to share what’s in store for the coming weeks. Our commitment to improving and enhancing our ecosystem remains steadfast, and we have some exciting updates lined up:

  • Website Revamp: We’re giving our Monsta and Monsta Party websites a fresh new look to reflect the unity and clarity of our brand. Expect a more user-friendly and informative online experience that mirrors the strength of our community and showcases each project’s unique features.
  • Simplified Domains and URLs: We understand the importance of simplicity and accessibility. That’s why we’re streamlining our domains and URLs, making it easier than ever for you to find and engage with our projects. First up is our new landing page, MonstaCorp.com with more to come in the upcoming weeks!
  • Sneak Peeks and Updates: We can’t wait to share sneak peeks and updates with you as we progress with these changes. Stay tuned to our community chats and social media channels for exclusive previews and behind-the-scenes insights.

Introducing the Monsta Corp Merch Store! 🥳

Monsta Corp Merch Store Soft Launch!

We’re thrilled to announce the soft launch of our official and long-awaited merch store. Starting out with an initial small collection of various items featuring characters from our entire ecosystem, we hope the community will love what we’ve been cookin’ up!

We’ll be expanding product offerings and rotating designs over time as well to keep things fresh and exciting! We’ll be holding the official launch on Monday, October 2nd, and kick things off with a giveaway for some official Monsta Merch!

Keep an eye out for additional details in the coming days.

Join Us on this Journey 🚀

We’re extremely grateful for your unwavering support throughout our journey. Together, we’ve achieved incredible milestones, and there are many more to come. Monsta Corp is a symbol of our evolution, growth, and adaptability as we navigate the dynamic world of web3. We’re actively exploring new opportunities, including the eventual release of Lil Monstas on Ethereum! Our mission is to continue providing unique and rewarding experiences for our community.

Stay connected with us through our official announcement channels on Telegram and Discord to stay up to date on the latest developments and exciting news. At Monsta Corp, we’re committed to transparency and collaboration with our community. Your feedback and input are invaluable to us as we continue to grow and evolve.

In closing, we want to express our heartfelt thanks for being part of our incredible community. Monsta Corp is a reflection of our shared vision and dedication to the crypto world.

Here’s to a future filled with innovation, unity, and endless possibilities. 🍻

-The Monsta Corp Team

👀 Check out the soft launch of the new Monsta Corp merch shop HERE!

About Monsta Corp

Monsta Corp is the driving force behind a diverse ecosystem of crypto projects, all designed to bring innovation, unity, and endless possibilities to the crypto world. As the parent company, Monsta Corp unifies our brand identity, creating a clear hierarchy where each project is a sub-brand under our dynamic umbrella. Our commitment to transparency, collaboration, and delivering unique and rewarding experiences to our community fuels our journey. Join us as we explore new opportunities and pave the way for the future of web3!

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A hyper-deflationary and elastic supply token that has unique reserve and reward mechanisms featuring an automated hybrid monetary policy.